Top 10 Tree Problems

  1. Lace Bug: Lace bugs target broad-leaf evergreens such as andromeda, azalea, and rhododendron. Early detection is the key to getting rid of an infestation. Look for yellow-silver stippling on the topsides of leaves.

  2. Mites: Mites pose a serious threat a wide variety of plants, and can seriously impact the visual appearance of a plant. Mites favor warm, dry climates, and are an extremely serious issue for many homeowners.

  3. Tent Caterpillars: Caterpillars can weaken many trees and shrubs, increasing the chance of a secondary infestation. Look for silken, yellow cocoons.

  4. Borers: Borers are attracted to unhealthy trees, burrowing in and laying eggs inside the trunk. The best defense against borers it keep your trees healthy and unstressed.

  5. Lethal Yellowing in Palm Trees: Referred to in the industry as phytoplasma like organism, is carried by a flying planthopper (myndus crudus), that feeds on palm sap. It is when the bug feeds that the disease is transmitted. There is no cure. However, we have a very effective preventative program using the Tree Saver Injection System and a water based antibiotic, oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC). This combats the disease in two ways:

    1. The OTC makes the sap 'taste very bad', so the bug finds feeding on treated trees undesirable.

    2. The presence of the OTC seems to greatly retard the phytoplasma's ability to live and or 'prosper'. Being a water based antibiotic in a water based organism, the half life of it's presence in the tree is only 3 months, thus the need for a minimum of 4 injections per year. This is a long term, ongoing project and needs to be continued once it is started.
      Note: It is recommended to not eat coconuts from a treated tree.

  6. Scale Insects: These insects target primarily hardwoods and conifers. Some signs of an infestation include abnormal leaf and shoot growth, yellow or red leaves, and branch gouting.

  7. Anthracnose Disease: This fungal disease affects deciduous and flowering trees. Look for a spotting of foliage in spring and summer.
  8. Storm Damage: Hurricanes bring high winds and salt water from the ocean, which can not only injure trees, but also pull them right from their roots!

  9. Weevil Insects: Weevils are commonly found on flowers and fruits. Look for notches around the edge of leaves.

  10. Aphid Insects: Aphids are small and pearl shaped. An infestation can cause yellow discoloration and defoliation.